
Journal publications (Cited > 750 times, h-index =13 | Updated on google scholar)

  1. T. U. Tumkur, X. Yang, C. Zhang, Y. Zhang, G. V. Naik, P. Nordlander, N. J. Halas, ‘Wavelength-dependent Near Field Imaging of Optical Forces in Bimetallic Plasmonic Al-Au Heterodimers’, Nano Letters, 2018.
  2. T. U. Tumkur*, X. Yang*, B. Cerjan, N. J. Halas, P. Nordlander, I. Thomann, ‘Photo-induced force mapping of plasmonic nanostructures’, Nano Letters 16 (12), 7942-7949 (*equal author contribution)
  3. V. N. Peters*, T. U. Tumkur*, J. Ma, N. A. Kotov, M. A. Noginov, ‘Strong coupling of localized surface plasmons and ensembles of dye molecules’, Opt. Express 24(22), 25653-256642016 (Nanophotonics special issue)  (*equal author contribution)
  4. T. U. Tumkur, G. Zhu, M. A. Noginov, ‘Strong coupling of surface plasmon polaritons and ensembles of dye molecules’, Optics Express 24 (4), 3921-3928, 2016 (Surface Plasmon Photonics special issue)
  5. V. N. Peters, T. U. Tumkur, G. Zhu, M. A. Noginov, ‘Control of a chemical reaction (photodegradation of the p3ht polymer) with nonlocal dielectric environments’, Scientific Reports 5 (14620), 2015
  6. M. A. Noginov, A. Mozafari, T. U. Tumkur, J. K. Kitur, E. E. Narimanov, ‘Thermal radiation of lamellar metal-dielectric metamaterials and metallic surfaces’, Opt. Mat. Express, 5(7), 1511-1525, 2015
  7. T. U. Tumkur, Y. Barnakov, M. A. Noginov, V. Liberman, ‘Permittivity evaluation of multilayered hyperbolic metamaterials: Ellipsometry vs. Reflectometry’, J. Appl. Phys 117 (10), 103104, 2015
  8. J. K. Kitur, Lei Gu, T. U. Tumkur, C. E. Bonner, M. A. Noginov, ‘Stimulated emission of surface plasmons on top of metamaterials with hyperbolic dispersion, ACS Photonics 2 (8), 1019-1024, 2014.
  9. L. Gu, J. Livenere, G. Zhu, T. U. Tumkur, H. Hu, C. L. Cortes, Z. Jacob, S. M. Prokes, M. A. Noginov, ‘Angular distribution of emission from hyperbolic metamaterials’, Scientific Reports 4, 2014
  10. L. Gu, T. U. Tumkur, G. Zhu, M. A. Noginov, ‘Blue shift of spontaneous emission in hyperbolic metamaterial’, Scientific Reports 4, 4969, 2014
  11. T. U. Tumkur, J. K. Kitur, C. E. Bonner, E. E. Narimanov, M. A. Noginov, ‘Control of Förster energy transfer in vicinity of metallic surfaces and hyperbolic metamaterials, Faraday Discussions, FD 178, 2014
  12. S. M. Prokes, O. J. Glembocki, J. E. Livenere, T. U. Tumkur, J. K. Kitur, G. Zhu, B. Wells, V. A. Podolskiy, M. A. Noginov, ‘Hyperbolic and plasmonic properties of silicon/Ag aligned nanowire arrays’, Optics Express 21 (12), 14962 – 14974, 2013
  13. E. E. Narimanov, H. Li, Yu. A. Barnakov, T. U. Tumkur, M. A. Noginov, ‘Reduced reflection from roughened hyperbolic metamaterial’, Optics Express 21 (12), 14956 – 14961, 2013 (Reported by New Scientist, Physorg, MIT Technology Review, Laser Focus World and others)
  14. T. U. Tumkur, J. K. Kitur, B. Chu, Lei Gu, V. A. Podolskiy, E. E. Narimanov, M. A. Noginov, ‘Control of reflectance and transmittance in scattering and curvilinear hyperbolic metamaterials’, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101 (9), 091105, 2012
  15. T. U. Tumkur, Lei Gu, J. K. Kitur, E. E. Narimanov, M. A. Noginov, ‘Control of absorption with hyperbolic metamaterials’, Appl. Phys. Lett. 100 (16), 161103, 2012
  16. T. Tumkur, G. Zhu, P. Black, Yu. A. Barnakov, C. E. Bonner, M. A. Noginov, ‘Control of spontaneous emission in a volume of functionalized hyperbolic metamaterial’, Appl. Phys. Lett 99, 151115, 2011
  17. G. Zhu, T. Tumkur, M. A. Noginov, ‘Anomalously delayed stimulated emission in random lasers’, Phys. Rev. A 81 (6), 065801, 2010
  18. L. V. Alekseyev, E. E. Narimanov, T. Tumkur, H. Li, Yu. A. Barnakov, M. A. Noginov, ‘Uniaxial epsilon-near-zero metamaterial for angular filtering and polarization control’, Appl. Phys. Lett. 97 (13), 131107, 2010
  19. S. Padalkar, S. Kim, T. Tumkur, E. Stach, L. Stanciu, ‘Fabrication of ZnS Nanoparticle chains on a protein template’, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 11 (8), 2031 – 2041, 2009
  20. M. A. Noginov, Yu. A. Barnakov, G. Zhu, T. Tumkur, H. Li, E. E. Narimanov, ‘Bulk photonic metamaterial with hyperbolic dispersion’ Appl. Phys. Lett. 94 (15), 151105, 2009