
SELECTED talks (as presenter)

Invited talks

  1. T. U. Tumkur, X. Yang, C. Doiron, B. Cerjan, P. Nordlander, N.J. Halas, I. Thomann  ‘Photo-induced force mapping of plasmonic nanostructures’, ACS SWRM, Galveston, TX 2016
  2. T. U. Tumkur, Metamaterials and plasmonic media: Taming physical phenomena and probing the near-fields by gradient-force imaging’, Korean Institute of Materials Science, Changwon, South Korea, 2016.
  3. T. U. Tumkur, S. Bahauddin, H. Robatjazi, C. Doiron, X. Liu, W. Wang, B. Jiang, P. Wray, I. Thomann ‘Managing photons and carriers for photocatalysis’ Global Congress of Catalysis, Seoul, South Korea, 2016
  4. T. U. Tumkur, G. Zhu, M. A. Noginov, ‘Strong coupling of plasmons to dye molecules: Tailoring dispersion and emission’, META’ 15, NYC, NY, 2015
  5. T. U. Tumkur, J. K. Kitur, C. E. Bonner, E. E. Narimanov, M. A. Noginov, ‘Controlling Förster energy transfer with density of photonic states’, META’ 13, Sharjah, UAE, 2013
  6. T. Tumkur, G. Zhu, P. Black, Yu. A. Barnakov, C. E. Bonner, M. A. Noginov, ‘Multilayered metamaterials with hyperbolic dispersion: controlling emission’, Villa Conference on Metamaterials, Las Vegas, NV, 2011

Contributed presentations

  1. T. U. Tumkur, X. Yang, B. Cerjan, P. Nordlander, N.J. Halas, I. Thomann  ‘Photo-induced force mapping of nanophotonic structures’, NANOMETA, Seefeld, Austria 2017
  2. T. U. Tumkur*, X. Yang*, C. Doiron, B. Li, D. Swearer, B. Cerjan, P. Nordlander, N. J. Halas, P. Ajayan, E. Ringe, I. Thomann, ‘Mapping near-field environments of plasmonic and 2D materials with photo-induced force imaging’, SPIE Optics+Photonics, San Diego, CA, 2016
  3. T. U. Tumkur, C. Doiron, B. Cerjan, P. Nordlander, N. J. Halas, I. Thomann, ‘Probing the near fields of plasmonic and 2D materials with photo-induced gradient force imaging’, SPIE Europe, Brussels, Belgium, 2016
  4. T. U. Tumkur, G. Zhu, M. A. Noginov, ‘Tailoring dispersion by strong coupling’, SPIE, San Diego, CA 2014
  5. T. U. Tumkur, G. Zhu, M. A. Noginov, ‘Strong coupling of surface plasmons to dye molecules: tailoring dispersion and beyond’ CLEO 2014, San Jose, CA, 2014
  6. T. U. Tumkur, J. K. Kitur, C. E. Bonner, E. E. Narimanov, M. A. Noginov, ‘Control of Förster energy transfer in vicinity of metallic surfaces and hyperbolic metamaterials’, CLEO 2013, San Jose, CA, 2013
  7.  [Poster] T. U. Tumkur, J. K. Kitur, C. E. Bonner, E. E. Narimanov, M. A. Noginov, ‘Influencing optical phenomena with hyperbolic metamaterials’, ICTP Workshop on Nanophotonics, Trieste, Italy, 2012
  8. T. U. Tumkur, J. K. Kitur, B. Chu, L. Gu, V. A. Podolskiy, E. E. Narimanov, M. A. Noginov, ‘Engineered reflectance and transmittance in hyperbolic metamaterials’, SPIE Optics+Photonics, San Diego, CA, 2012
  9.  [Poster] T. U. Tumkur, J. K. Kitur, B. Chu, L. Gu, V. A. Podolskiy, E. E. Narimanov, M. A. Noginov, ‘Control of reflectance and transmittance in scattering and curvilinear hyperbolic metamaterials’, Gordon Conference on Plasmonics, Waterville, ME, 2012
  10. T. U. Tumkur, J. K. Kitur, B. Chu, L. Gu, V. A. Podolskiy, E. E. Narimanov, M. A. Noginov, ‘Engineered reflectance and transmittance in hyperbolic metamaterials’, CLEO 2012, San Jose, CA, 2012
  11. T. U. Tumkur, G. Zhu, P. Black, Yu. A. Barnakov, C. E. Bonner, M. A. Noginov, ‘Multilayered metamaterials with hyperbolic dispersion’, SPIE Optics+Photonics, San Diego, CA, 2011
  12. T. U. Tumkur, G. Zhu, P. Black, Yu. A. Barnakov, C. E. Bonner, M. A. Noginov, ‘Controlling spontaneous emission with Metamaterials’, International Conf. on Luminescence, Ann Arbor, MI, 2011
  13. M. A. Noginov, T. Tumkur, Yu. A. Barnakov, H. Li, L. Alekseyev, E. E. Narimanov, ‘Silver-filled membrane as angular filter and polarizer’ SPIE Optics+Photonics, San Diego, CA 2010